Rabbi Shena Potter Jaffee

Director of Jewish Life & Learning

Rabbi Shena Potter Jaffee is Rockwern Academy’s Director of Jewish Life & Learning. She also serves as the Rabbi of Temple B’nai Israel in Monroe, Michigan. Before joining the staff of Rockwern, Rabbi Jaffee served as Rockdale Temple’s Rabbi in Residence and as the Director of Jewish Life at the Mayerson JCC. During the past several years, she piloted and created a number of educational, community building, and social justice projects that helped people of all backgrounds connect to Judaism.

Rabbi Jaffee received rabbinic ordination through HUC-JIR in Cincinnati and has served as adjunct faculty at the University of Cincinnati in Judaic Studies and as faculty for the Melton School. She loves watching a good HGTV show on tiny house living and reading a variety of cookbooks. Most important, Rabbi Jaffee is a proud mom of Rockwern alumnae Maya and Noa Jaffee, caregiver to Pepper the Wonderdog, and wife of Brian Jaffee.
